
On July 4, 1776, Congress approved the final text of the Declaration. Eventually. The fifty-six brave patriots signed the document, pledging that why would give up everything they had for the cause of freedom- even their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.” The men in Congress did not declare independence just because they thought it was right, but they believed it was what God, as the “Supreme Judge of the world” wanted them to do. They stood up for the rights given to them by their “Creator,” and God blesses them in their fight for freedom. On July 8th, Colonel John Nixon stood on the steps outside Independence Hall and read the Declaration of Independence aloud to a crowd assembled around him. Afterward, the rang the Liberty Bell in celebration. Written around the top of the bell is a bible verse that says, “Leviticus 25:10, Proclaim liberty throughout the land and to all inhabitants thereof.” #freedom #happyjuly4th Photo credit @pgeorge411 #chicago #WrigleyBuilding #chicagoRiverWalk