Live the Gospel, Teach the Gospel, Preach the Gospel! I have made it my mission to inspire, motivate and challenge even the most doubtful of individuals, allowing them to open new doors in their lives and step straight on the path of a new light through humbly leading people to the throne room of God.
Conference Theme: Power of the Word Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit,
Finding the time to sit back and enjoy life can be one of the most important aspects of life we put to the side. Spending time with friends and family
I shared this passage from Judges 13:1-5. Be slow to put a label on your circumstances, God is preparing you to Be the answer, Whenever times are dark, Whenever people
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Sed bibendum ante nibh, ut pretium nisi volutpat vitae. Donec quis felis in nulla dictum mattis. Suspendisse sagittis lorem leo, tincidunt venenatis risus ullamcorper semper. Suspendisse a tincidunt sapien. Donec